Monday, May 16, 2011

K-3 super 16mm anamorphic test

First two test rolls through our new super 16mm K-3:

Transferred to 2K Cineform RAW.
Transcoded to Apple ProRes 4444 for cutting/grading.
Click through to the vimeo page for all the details!


  1. Hey, awesome video!

    Have one question. As for you, it is possible to shoot no-budget feature film on K-3 S16?

  2. Hey, thanks for watching! I don't think it would be worth the effort trying to make a narrative feature on the K-3. I would look into a cheap crystal sync camera that takes 400' loads. The eclair NPR or the CP-16 are probably your best bets. Hope this helps.

  3. How much did you spend for this footage to print?
    I just ordered K-3, I'm so chuffed to bits!!))))

  4. Last question :)
    If you would choose between K-3 and Canon 550D/7D, what would you choose for no-budget film?
